September 6, 2013
Just like the tee shirt says get down on those knees and lick my boots because you are my bitch that’s all you are worthy of.Don’t cry as you know it does no good except make you look stupid.You see when i came across this shirt i knew it would suit you just fine while on my body while you are in my presence.You are such a good boot licker you make my boots all nice and clean with that tongue of yours.Now go to your water bowl get that mouth all nice and wet.I love it when i get my boots dirty and you get to clean them up for me. Now you know while you are cleaning my boots you will become a bitch also my friend is coming over to make sure that happens he loves turning lil boi’s into bitches so lets get the other end of you ready also.And no touching that thing between your legs that you call a dick because all i see is a clitty. Victoria 1.888.439.20.10