August 27, 2012
What’s the matter my aby role play phone sex boi? Why do you look sad? Aw you look so funny! Are you growing out of your clothes? I think it’s about time Mommy Candy takes you out for a little shopping trip. Where do you want to go? We can go to babies R us or maybe walmart or target? Theres lots of places we can go to pick you up a cute little outfit to wear. Maybe Mommy can finally take you to the big boi section. Do you think you’re big enough? I can even get you some of those spiderman pajamas you’ve been wanting so bad? Well I’ll tell you what. Be a good boy for Mommy while we go out shopping and I’ll get you those pj’s and maybe even a toy? But you have to be good! Now c’mon little one. Put on your shoes and coat and get out to the car. We have a big day ahead of us don’t we? Adult baby phone sex with Mommy Candy 888 430-2010