January 12, 2015
My Abie does NOT want anyone to know that he wets the bed and is still not potty-trained. He doesn’t want anyone to know about his dirty little secret…that he likes his diapers soggy. He doesn’t want his diapers changed…he wants to sit in them. My Abie doesn’t want anyone to know that he loves it when I make him drink a lot of juice out of his ba-ba. His belly gets so full from all that juice. He definitely doesn’t want anyone to know that his likes holding his tummy full of juice until its a bit uncomfortable. He comes to me with those big, blue, puppy dog eyes carrying his teddy in tow. He wants me to give him permission to fill up that diaper….Not yet my baby…hold it just a few more minutes. Your face intensifies as the awareness of your full belly and empty diaper grow with every minute. Oh, you would be so embarrassed if your friends knew that you can’t even pee-pee or poopie without my permission. You can’t fill up that diaper unless I tell you that you can. The minutes pass as the energy in the room steams up. Finally, I look deep into his eyes…Those big dreamy eyes of my sweet little Abie. I smile a little as I focus on the words that are about to come across my lips. Alright my sweet baby, fill up your diaper. Your eyes get a little hazed over with excitement, or perhaps relief. I watch you fill up your diaper and watch your face light up with delight. We look at each other and giggle. We could play this game everyday. Now, I have to chase you around because you never want your diapers changed. If it was up to you, You would sit in that diaper forever. I can only stand the smell for so long. Eventually I will end up chasing you. That’s fun too. No, my little Abie would definitely not want anyone to know our dirty, little, secret. I won’t tell. Its safe with me…and fun. Rachel 888.430.2010